When individuals or businesses have tax issues, whether it’s a current dispute or a complex audit, collection action on an assessment, or anticipating a tax problem with New York State or the IRS, the tax attorneys at Capell Barnett Matalon & Schoenfeld are here to provide guidance and assistance. We focus on finding solutions that best fit your specific situation.
The tax controversy team at Capell Barnett Matalon & Schoenfeld has extensive experience negotiating with the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance and handling matters at all levels of the Internal Revenue Service, from private letter rulings, examinations and collection procedures, to the Appeals Office and petitions to the U.S. Tax Court.
Our areas of concentration include—but are hardly limited to— New York State and New York City residency planning and audits, IRS and NYS income tax audits, sales tax audits, innocent spouse, IRS appeals, and NYS Bureau of Conciliation and Mediation Services conferences. We provide counsel for criminal tax matters and offshore voluntary disclosure.
In addition, the tax controversy team routinely handles collection issues such as NYS and IRS Offers in Compromise and Installment Agreements, IRS liens, NYS tax warrants, IRS and NYS levies, Trust Fund Recovery Penalties and responsible person assessments, wage garnishment, income execution, revocation of passports and suspension of drivers’ licenses due to not paying taxes, IRS Collection Due Process hearings, and subordination and discharge of liens for the sale or refinancing of real estate.
Feel free to call or email us with your tax controversy questions or concerns.
Audits On The Rise Amid A Resurgent IRS