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Resources for Religious Organizations, Foundations, Charities, and Other Non-Profit Organizations Related to Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Renato Matos

Managing Partner

The novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has spread to countries worldwide. We have curated a collection of resources that may be helpful for Boards and management of religious organizations, foundations, charities, and other non-profit organizations in navigating this crisis. We will update this page as developments warrant.

Government Resources:

The Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) through the U.S. Small Business Administration offers loans to small businesses and non-profit organizations, among other types of entities, of up to $10 million. For more information, including about the PPP’s applicability to non-profit organizations, please see CBMS’s article.

Economic Injury Disaster Loans and Loan Advances are being provided to small businesses and private non-profit organizations by the U.S. Small Business Administration. These loans are low-interest fixed rate loans of up to $2 million and loan advances of up to $10,000 that can be used to pay immediate expenses during this emergency. For more information, please see CBMS’s guidance here.

Private Sector Relief Funds:

Facebook Small Business Grants Program is distributing $100 million in cash grants and ad credits to help small businesses weather the storm created by COVID-19. Small businesses or organizations with between 2 and 50 employees that have been operating for more than a year, have experienced challenges from COVID-19, and operate in one of the five boroughs of New York City are eligible to apply.

Citi and the Citi Foundation have committed $10 million to help Community Development Financial Institutions in the US serve small businesses who may not fully qualify for federal government stimulus funding.

Community Foundation Relief Funds for Non-Profits (NY): Service-providing non-profit organizations may be able to obtain grants and/or loans to assist in providing services to frontline workers and/or vulnerable populations. Check out the following resources:

The New York Community Trust: This fund will give grants and loans to NYC-based nonprofits that are providing aid to those struggling with fallout from COVID-19. Priority will be given to nonprofits addressing essential healthcare and food insecurity as well as arts and culture. Funds will help nonprofits with a variety of needs, including protective equipment, cleaning supplies, technological assistance, and support for financial losses.

NYC COVID-19 Response & Impact Fund: This fund is providing no-interest loans ranging from $100,000.00 to $3,000,000.00 to New York City nonprofit organizations working in the human services, with particular interest in those supporting essential healthcare, food delivery, homeless services, workforce development, educational support, and early childhood education, and arts and culture. The application through the Nonprofit Finance Fund can be found here.

Brooklyn COVID-19 Response Fund: This fund is providing grants to frontline advocacy and service organizations in Brooklyn that are providing aid to vulnerable populations, meal delivery, and daily living needs for homebound neighbors, support for low-wage workers, and limited access to healthcare and paid leave.

Neighborhoods First Fund: This fund makes grants to support community-led organizations and coalitions that engage local residents, workers, businesses, institutions, and government in creating, enacting, and implementing policies and plans that shape New York City and its neighborhoods. To inquire about a grant, fill out the form here.

Robin Hood has established a COVID-19 relief fund for organizations at the frontline of relief efforts including serving vulnerable populations, emergency assistance, at risk for govt contracts, incurred unexpected expenses.

COVID-19 Long Island Philanthropic Response Fund by the Long Island Community Foundation is providing grants to aid nonprofit organizations in Long Island providing services for those affected by COVID-19.

National Council on Aging COVID-19 Community Response Fund is providing grants to qualified local nonprofit organizations that are meeting needs of older populations.

Delta Dental Foundation is providing unrestricted grants for organizations in New York State helping vulnerable populations affected by COVID-19 in the form of medical services and/or services for home-bound seniors. See here for the grant application and guidelines.

General Non-Profit Resources:

Workplace guidance from CDC (updated regularly).

Many tech companies have made products for remote work free during this period. See this roundup.

Here is guidance on changing a physical event to a virtual event.

New York Council of Nonprofits, Inc. is hosting calls and pertinent topic webinars on a weekly basis to assist non-profits with COVID-19 updates. See the full calendar here.

Resources for Foundations:

Council on Foundations has a resource center for foundations.

Resources for Churches & Religious Organizations:

The CDC has a resource page for community and faith-based leaders.

Georgetown University’s Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, & World Affairs has a resource guide for faith-based organizations.

The Mother Cabrini Health Foundation provides grants to nonprofit organizations serving low-income individuals, families and communities in New York.  All grantees must adhere to and comply with the ethical principles, tenets, and teachings of the Roman Catholic Faith, including but not limited to the Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services published by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.  Applicant organizations are not required, however, to be affiliated with the Catholic Church to be eligible for grants.

Resources for Charitable Organizations Providing Direct Relief Assistance:

The IRS has guidance on documentation a charity providing disaster relief assistance must maintain to document its relief activities.



The information provide in this resource list is continuously changing and being updated. This list is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal or business advice. If your business or organization requires assistance, please contact Renato Matos, Esq., at

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