The Interchurch Center and CBM&S Law hosted a free, educational conference about updates on laws that affect religious organizations.
Abigail Young
Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General
11:30am – 12:30am Responsible Investing
Travis A. Allen
SVP, Senior Portfolio Manager, Alliance Bernstein L.P.
Kimberly Davis
Partner, Alliance Bernstein L.P.
Susana McDermott
Director of Communications
Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility
12:30pm – 1:30pm Working Lunch (option A or B)
Courtesy of Capin Crouse
Update on New Reporting Standards under ASU 2016-14
Fran Brown
Partner & Professional Practice Leader-Attest, CapinCrouse LLP
Simple Steps to Cybersecurity Lisa Traina
Partner, Traina & Associates, a CapinCrouse Company
1:30pm – 2:30pm Important Lessons from Construction Projects
(Big and Small)
Moderator: John Osborn Partner, John E. Osborn P.C.
Salvatore Barbieri
Owner, Metropolitan Planning & Management LLC
Paula Mayo
President and Executive Director, The Interchurch Center
Moira McClintock
Partner, Ford 3 Architects, LLC
View Video of Afternoon Session
3:00pm –4:00pm Capital Campaigns and Online Giving Brian Crimmins
CEO, Changing Our World, Inc.
Tom Kissane
Principal and Managing Director, CCS Fundraising
Stephen J. Nicholl
Director of Development, Diocese of Trenton
4:00pm –5:00pm Protecting Your Assets: Insurance Best Practices
Lisa O’Brian
President, Baylis & Geist, Inc.
Michael Jakob
Vice-President, Carriage Trade Insurance Agency, Inc.
Richard Freiman
Partner, Richard Freiman & Associates PLLC
5:00pm –5:15pm Closing Prayer and Remarks